Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and Introduction

    2. Setting Up Your Python Environment

    3. Your First Python Script

    4. Understanding Indentation in Python

    1. Video: "Variables and Data Types"

    2. Variables and Data Types- text

    3. Best Tips about variable naming convention

    4. Task 1: Declare and Print Variables

    5. Task 2: Reassign a Variable and Observe Type Change

    6. Task 3: Store User Input in a Variable

    7. Basic Operators in Programing- Video

    8. Basic Operators - Text Content

    9. Basic Operators - Best Practice Tips:

    10. Basic Operators quizz

    11. Task 1: Calculate the Area of a Circle Given a Radius

    12. Task 2: Convert a User-provided String Number to an Integer and Float

    13. Task 3: Use Relational Operators to Compare Two Numbers Provided by a User

    14. Introduction to String Operations in Python

    15. String Operations in Python

    16. Common String Methods in Python

    17. Advanced String Manipulation: Regular Expressions in Python

    18. Quiz: Mastering String Manipulations in Python

    19. Sourvey after Chapter 2

    1. Introduction to Lists

    2. Introduction to Lists - Code Explanation: Demonstrating how lists work with a simple example.

    3. Introduction to Lists -Text: Brief written overview of lists and their significance.

    4. Introduction to Lists - Best Practice: Tips on when and how to use lists effectively.

    5. Introduction to Lists - Quiz: Basic questions to test understanding of list concepts.

    6. Creating lists - Video

    7. Creating Lists - Code Explanation: Step-by-step guide on list creation and initialization.

    8. Creating Lists - Best Practice: Common pitfalls to avoid when creating lists.

    9. - Creating Lists - Quiz: Questions about list creation and initialization.

    10. Task: Create a Custom Grocery List

    11. Task: Analyze a List of Temperatures

    12. Accessing elements in list

    13. Accessing Elements - Code Explanation: Examples showing how to read and access elements in a list.

    14. Accessing Elements - Text: Detailed explanation of list indexing and slicing.

    15. Accessing Elements- Best Practice: Tips on accessing elements safely without causing errors.

    16. Accessing Elements - Quiz: Questions to test understanding of list indexing and slicing.

    17. Accessing Elements - Task 1: Access and print the first and last elements of a list.

    18. Modifying lists

    19. Modifying Lists- Code Explanation: Demonstrating list modification operations like add, delete, and update elements.

    20. Modifying Lists - Best Practice: Common mistakes to avoid while modifying lists.

    21. Modifying Lists - Quiz: Questions related to list modification methods.

    22. Modifying Lists - Task1: Add, remove, and change elements in a list.

    23. Modifying Lists - Task 2: Concatenate two lists into one.

    24. Modifying Lists - Task 3: Copy a list and modify the copy without affecting the original.

    25. Nested list

    26. Nested Lists - Text: Comprehensive guide on working with nested lists.

    27. Nested Lists - Best Practice: Tips on managing complexity when working with nested lists.

    28. Nested Lists Quiz: Questions to test understanding of nested lists and their applications.

    29. Nested Lists - Task1: Create a nested list and access its elements.

    30. Introduction to dictionaries

    31. Code Explanation: Step-by-step guide on dictionary creation and initialization.

    32. Best Practice: Common pitfalls to avoid when creating dictionaries.

    33. Quiz: Questions about dictionary creation and initialization.

    34. Code Explanation: Examples showing how to add, delete, and update elements in a dictionary.

    35. Text: Detailed explanation of dictionary operations like accessing, adding, removing, and updating elements.

    36. Best Practice: Tips on accessing and modifying dictionaries safely without causing errors.

    37. Quiz: Questions to test understanding of dictionary operations.

    38. Task 1: Add, remove, and change elements in a dictionary.

    39. Code Explanation: Detailed code examples showing dictionary methods like .get(), .keys(), .values(), and more.

    40. Text: Written overview of different dictionary methods and how to use them effectively.

    41. Quiz: Questions to validate understanding of dictionary methods and operations.

    42. Combined Task: Creating, Modifying, and Managing a Dictionary in Python

    43. Task: Advanced Dictionary Operations in Python

    44. Directories and listy - Task 3: Create a list using input from the user.

    45. Introduction to tuples and their immutability

    46. Code Explanation: Demonstrating tuple creation and basic operations.

    47. Text: Overview of tuples and their role in Python.

    48. Best Practice: When to use tuples over lists.

    49. Quiz: Basic understanding of tuple concepts.

    50. Comprehensive Task with Tuples in Python

    51. Scenario: Common operations and methods used with tuples.

    52. Quiz: Questions on tuple methods and operations.

    53. Scenario: Basics of sets and their uniqueness property.

    54. Text: Fundamental concepts of sets in Python.

    55. Quiz: Test knowledge on set basics.

    56. Comprehensive Task: Mastering Python Sets

    57. Sourvey after Chapter 3

    1. Introduction to Conditional Statements

    2. Text: Brief written overview explaining what conditional statements are and why they are essential.

    3. Best Practice: Tips on how to think logically about using conditions to control program flow.

    4. Control structures- Video

    5. Code Explanation: Step-by-step guide on expanding if statements with else and elif to handle multiple conditions.

    6. Quiz: Questions focused on the correct use and syntax of if statements.

    7. Task 1: Number Classification and Range Check

    8. Best practise control structures

    9. Code Explanation: Step-by-step guide on expanding if statements with else and elif to handle multiple conditions.

    10. Control Structures - text

    11. Best Practice: Tips on structuring if, elif, and else blocks for readability and efficiency.

    12. Understanding Nested Conditions and Their Applications

    13. Quiz: Questions on implementing multi-branch conditions using if, elif, and else.

    14. Task 1:Calculating Grades with Conditional Logic

    15. Task 2: Comprehensive Temperature Conversion Program

    16. Task 3: Task: Library Book Management

    17. Simplifying Conditional Statements with Conditional Expressions

    18. Mastery of Conditional Expressions for Advanced Code Optimization

    19. Best Practice: Utilizing Ternary Operators for Code Clarity

    20. Quiz: Mastering Conditional Expressions in Python

    21. Task 3: Efficient Discount Calculation

    22. Task 4: Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation for Graduation

    23. Sourvey after Chapter 4

    1. Understanding Loops Video Scenario: Introduction to the concept of loops in programming.

    2. Exploring the Versatility of for Loops in Python: Code Explanation

    3. In-depth Discussion on for Loop Control Statements: break, continue, and Loop else

    4. Advanced Example: Nested for Loops with Dictionaries

    5. Advanced Example: Generating a Multiplication Table with Nested for Loops

    6. For Loop Quiz: Mastery of for Loop Creation and Usage

    7. For Loop Task 1: Iterating Through a List

    8. For Loop Task 2: Creating a Numeric Pyramid

    9. While Loop : Code Explanation

    10. Understanding while Loops in Python: Syntax and Practical Applications

    11. Advanced Example of while Loop: Fibonacci Sequence Generator

    12. Advanced Example of while Loop with continue, break, and else: Prime Number Finder

    13. While Loop Quiz: Understanding while Loops in Python

    14. While Loop Task 2: Building a Number Guessing Game

    15. While Loop Task 3: Calculating the Factorial of a Number

    16. Advanced Techniques : Mastering Nested Loops and Loop Control Statements

    17. Advanced Techniques Code Explanation: Demonstrating advanced loop techniques including nested loops and the use of break and continue.

    18. Advanced Techniques Quiz: Mastering Advanced Loop Techniques

    19. Advanced Techniques Task 1: Generating a Pyramid Pattern with Nested Loops

    20. Advanced Techniques Task 2: Generating a Checkerboard Pattern

    21. Sourvey after Chapter 5

    1. Introduction to Functions Video Scenario: Introduction to the concept of functions in programming.

    2. Introduction to Functions : Code Explanation

    3. Introduction to Functions Text: Brief written overview of functions and their importance in Python.

    4. Functions + lists 1 task

    5. functions + list 2 task

    6. Introduction to Functions : Best Practices

    7. Understanding the Return Statement in Python Functions

    8. Function Parameters : A Step-by-Step Guide to Function Parameters in Python

    9. Return Values in Python Functions

    10. Complex Function Example: A Memoized Fibonacci Sequence Generator

    11. Complex Function Example: Batch Processing with Error Handling

    12. Introduction to Functions Quiz: Basic questions to test understanding of function concepts.

    13. lambda function in Python

    14. Lambda vs regular function

    15. Task: Implement a Task Scheduler

    16. Function Parameters : Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

    17. Task: Implement a Function to Compute List Intersection

    18. Variable Scope Scenario: Explanation of local and global variable scopes within functions.

    19. Variable Scope Code Explanation: Demonstrating the effects of variable scope on function behavior and data access.

    20. Variable Scope Task 2: Modify a global variable within a function and observe the effects.

    21. Decorators

    22. Understanding Generators

    23. Task: Analyze Sales Data with Generators

    24. Practical Applications 6.1 Scenario: Real-world applications of Python functions in data analysis, automation, and web development.

    25. Task: Implement a Contact Book Application

    26. Python Functions Mastery Quiz

    27. Sourvey after Chapter 6

About this course

  • $49.99
  • 163 lessons
  • 30 + tasks with explanation
  • Ai enhanced programing
  • Learning by practise

Join now and become a Python programming wizard – your future self will thank you!